Copying sources and sentences between projects

In a recent TMG Sydney meeting, Linda showed us how to transfer all your sentences and sources into a new project (via a new blank project with all your customised extras). There might well be an easier way to do this, but this method seems to work.
Before you do any copying, deleting, merging of projects, make sure you have BACKED UP your project & perhaps also make a copy of it. Work with the copy until you are sure you have the desired outcome. Then…
  1. Make (another) copy of the project by:
    • Select a project to copy (one that already has your sources & sentences)
    • Copy it to a new project called ‘My Copy’  
  2. In your new ‘My Copy’ project, go to File-> Data Set Manager and click ‘Add’, which will open another window, name it ‘Custom’, tick all the boxes, click OK
  3. You should have 2 datasets ‘My Copy’ and ‘Custom’
  4. Disable ‘My Copy’ dataset and Close (the Data Set Manager)
  5. Check to see if the new ‘Custom’ dataset has your customised tags, sentences and sources (look at Tools -> Master Tag Type list or Master Source List)
  6. If the ‘Custom’ data set is OK, delete ‘My Copy’ data set
You now have a blank project & dataset which has all your custom tags, sentences & sources.
If you want to, you could merge another project into this ‘My Copy’ project (the new one with the ‘Custom’ data set). Make sure you have this as the RECEIVING project in the merge. (ie Import into this one.)
Sounds complicated, but it works. And it’s a lot easier than making all those custom tags and sources again.